
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Juveniles' lack of sleep to cause overweight, survey

Chinanews, Beijing, Jul. 17 – A survey revealed last Friday that 12 boys and 7 girls are overweight among the 100 students covered in the survey, which shows that overweight and obesity have become more and more serious among students. Experts pointed out that the main reason is unhealthy eating habit, like foreign snacks, sweat beverage and carbonic acid and dessert.
Qi Kemin, an expert from Beijing Children’s Hospital, said that obesity is a kind of dystrophy disease, which is the result of heredity and outside environment.
According to the survey, if young people sleep less 6 hours a day, they are likely to suffer from obesity. Some students also try to eat much as a way to ease psychological pressure. Lifestyle in the family may also cause various problems, including obesity.

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