
Saturday, August 4, 2007

21 Chinese enterprises listed in overseas market in Q2

21 Chinese enterprises listed in overseas market in Q2 2007-08-02 18:03:08

Chinanews, Beijing, August 2 – According to a report published by Zero2IPO Group, in the 2nd quarter of this year, 21 Chinese enterprises issued concept stocks in overseas market such as NASDAQ, NYSE, etc, collecting $11.495 billion of investment.

Eight of these enterprises, which are from the primary industry, absorbed $5.65 billion of investment from overseas IPO by listing, and five, from the service sector, absorbed $4.684 billion, altogether taking up 85.7% of all the investment absorbed by the 21 enterprises.

Hong Kong Main Board again proved to be one of the best choices of Chinese enterprises, where the 9 listed Chinese enterprises of the 21 absorbed $9.035 billion of investment by now, much better than those listed in other markets.

NYSE and Singapore Main Board are the next best choices, where 5 and 4 Chinese enterprises were listed in the 2nd quarter of 2007 respectively. NASDAQ only attracted 2 Chinese enterprises. The rest one enterprise listed on the Mothers of Tokyo Stock Exchange, however, only absorbed an investment of $41.7843 million.

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